Do Braces Hurt?

Do Braces Hurt? No! What To Expect From Orthodontic Treatment

If you’re thinking about getting braces at Mansfield Orthodontics, but you’re not sure what to expect from treatment, we’re here to clear up some common misconceptions about the procedure! We want every patient to understand the treatment process and what’s involved to make sure you are prepared for braces before we begin.

Yes, it’s true that braces can be uncomfortable sometimes. But they’re not really painful, and the discomfort is usually temporary. Here’s everything you need to know about the process:

It Will Take Some Time To Get Used To Braces 

After your initial appointment to get braces, your teeth may feel sore and your mouth may feel a bit uncomfortable. This is because your mouth is going to have to adjust to the presence of the brackets, wires, and other elements of your braces. If your braces were adjusted after they were placed for the first time, you may also feel a little bit of discomfort as your teeth begin to move.

Most patients find their braces to be a bit uncomfortable for anywhere from 1-2 weeks after they have been placed. Usually, this is because the wire and metal components are rubbing against your oral tissue, such as your cheeks or lips. Over time, this tissue will become less sensitive, and you’ll get used to the presence of the braces on your teeth. 

Overall, the discomfort you’ll experience after your braces are put on is minimal and easy to deal with, so don’t let fear of pain and discomfort stop you from getting braces in Mansfield. 

Some Discomfort Is Normal After Your Braces Are Adjusted

Once you get your braces put on and get used to them, the only time you’ll really feel any discomfort or pain is immediately after they are adjusted. After Dr. Mindy Altemose adjusts your archwire and elastics to shift your teeth, you’re likely to feel some discomfort as your teeth begin to move.

You can minimize pain and discomfort by eating soft foods for a day or two after your adjustment, taking over-the-counter medicine like aspirin or ibuprofen, or even by using oral analgesic products like Orajel or Anbesol. Within a day or two, your teeth will have shifted toward the proper position and will no longer cause you pain or discomfort. 

Most Of The Time, Your Braces Won’t Hurt At All

Braces don’t hurt on a daily basis, and they only need to be adjusted about every 4-6 weeks, in most cases. The discomfort of wearing braces is the highest right after an adjustment, and will begin to fade quickly after that. 

For the most part, braces are quite comfortable once you get used to wearing them. After a few months, you will likely stop noticing your braces at all, except for when they are adjusted. You should not be feeling persistent pain on a day-to-day basis. If you do, then you should consult with your orthodontist, as this is not normal and could indicate an issue with your treatment.

Interested In Braces In Mansfield? Get In Touch Today! 

At Mansfield Orthodontics, we specialize in orthodontics for kids, teens and adults alike. If you want to correct your smile and are interested in braces, our team is here to help. Schedule an orthodontic consultation with Dr. Altemose now at (508) 964-4800, or come to our office at 660 East Street, Unit 1, Mansfield, MA 02048 to get started. 

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